Wednesday 1 April 2015

Types of relationships that Salesforce provide
  1. Master-detail relationship
  2. Lookup
I assume that you are familiar with the difference between the two relations.
In this article we'll be using Master-detail relationship to implement one-to-one relationship.

  • Every department has only one manager
  • One manager can manage only one Department
Go to schema builder and create two objects Manager and Departments. Then create a Master-Detail relationship between the Department and manager.
Note: The relationship here is show by a line joining the two objects. The line diagram is quite intuitive. The multiple forks the end suggests the child objects.

As of now we have created a relationship where a department can have multiple managers, but that's not what we are looking for; hold on

To make a this relationship one-to-one we will be using rollup summary concept.
  1. Create a rollup summary field managerCount (count)  in departments, this will be auto populated depending upon the number of managers associated with that particular department.
  2.  Create a validation rule in department object on managerCount field. Throw an error "department can be managed by only one manager"when the managerCount is greater that 1.


  1. Great idea! Thank you for posting it!

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  5. what is the code in validation rules?

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